Do you feel ashamed, out of control, thinking that there must be something wrong with you because you just can't stop binge eating?

Do you feel like you can’t be trusted around food, maybe thinking that you have food addiction or are obsessed with food?

If you've tried all the diets, losing weight and feeling in control whilst you are on the diet, then gaining the weight back and more each time you stop dieting.
Maybe you feel like there must be something wrong with you because you just can't do this right?

You need to know this...


Our bodies are programmed to fight weight loss!! Diets are not supposed to work.

But don't worry, in this course I am going to show you exactly what you need to do instead!!

Are you ready to feel empowered having the tools you need to break the cycle of dieting and binging?

Imagine if:

  • You could sit down in the evening with a glass of wine and some crisps or ice cream without losing control.
  • You could wake up everyday feeling good rather than bloated and full of guilt/shame! Feeling confident and radiating energy because you are nourishing your body in a way that serves you.
  • Rather than spending hours pouring over diet mags and websites, knowing that you are able to feel healthy and love your body in a way that feels so effortless now!

The stuff in this course works! Clients come to me struggling with binge eating feeling broken and unfixable and they leave feeling empowered, knowing exactly what they need to do AND brimming with so much more self-love and confidence. This is exactly what you get to have too!

In this course I blend my psychotherapy toolbox with my nutritionist toolbox to give you evidence based ways to help you eat healthfully without ever having to go on a diet again!!

Course Curriculum

  Start here - Welcome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The why behind binge eating
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to break the cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Making peace with the body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next steps
Available in days
days after you enroll

Ready to know exactly what you need to do to never binge again?

Hi I'm Chloe

I am the CEO and Senior Coach & Therapist at the Finally Free Academy. I am a qualified psychotherapist, counsellor, nutritionist and eating disorder recovery coach.

By drawing on my extensive training and personal experience of eating disorders I will show you how to work through your blocks, release the coping mechanisms that no longer serve you, so that you can live your next level life! 

I hated my body for so so long, leading me to struggle with eating disorders and disordered eating. No matter what I weighed, I would have done anything to be in someone else's body.

Since healing from the inside out my life has never been better, even having a baby didn't knock my confidence one bit if anything I felt even more in awe of what my body does for me every day! I want to help you feel the freedom of loving your body no matter what.